– Startups – Gavin Andresen and Amir Taaki, Bitcoin

TWiST #140: Bitcoin, with Gavin Andresen and Amir Taaki www.facebook.com What if–instead of whipping out your VISA card–you could pay just as safely and much more anonymously with bitcoin, a growing open-sourced international currency. Never heard of it? Then it’s a must you watch this episode of TWiST, where Jason talks to Gavin Andresen, the bitcoin technical lead, and Amir Taaki, founder of BitcoinConsultancy.com about exactly what bitcoin is, how you can use it–and why it will be illegal in under a decade. Support This Week in Startups and independent media by joining our new Producer Program at twistlist.co! 1:00-5:00 Welcome and discussion of Forbes article by TJ Walker on Jason as the host of TWiST. 5:00-7:00 Thank you go GoToMeeting for sponsoring the show. 7:00-7:15 Go to TWiSTList.co and choose a level of support that works for you. 7:15-8:00 Bitcoin: Open-source, peer-to-peer currency. 8:00-9:00 Gavin, tell the audience in simple terms, what is bitcoin? (Watch the clip.) 9:00-10:15 You actually lead the open-source project to make this software? When did it start? 10:15-10:45 Is it as simple as installing the software? 10:45-11:15 So if I throw my computer out, my bitcoins go with it? 11:15-13:00 Where did the money come from and how many bitcoins are out there? Are bitcoins backed by silver or some other asset? 13:00-13:30 So I just set my software to generate bitcoins. What now? (Watch the clip.) 13:30-14:15 How long would it take for me to make a bitcoin

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