Star Wars – the Ultimate Movie Gamble


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history of movie making
by Cayusa

Star Wars – the Ultimate Movie Gamble

It seems almost impossible to imagine now that Star Wars is such a big part of our culture and the history of movies that before Star Wars hit the screens in May of 1977, it was considered to be a long shot to ever get made much less become the huge success that it did. But from the moment George Lucas got the vision for Star Wars and began drafting those early scripts, it was clear this was going to be a movie that would be like nothing that was ever seen before.

George Lucas was not a new kid on the block in Hollywood when he started trying to get his majestic space trilogy, Star Wars, made. While he wasn’t the Hollywood powerhouse he is now, he had some credibility after making the delightful and successful American Graffiti. But even in that early movie making experience, Lucas was showing himself to be a visionary as American

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