Some questions I have. (This is really long)?

Question by — VMPlvr —: Some questions I have. (This is really long)?
First off this is a long (I mean reall really long) post. So yeah.

1. What is asexual? I’ve always been tempted to say (uh yeah. your “a sexual” cuz you like to have sex with something?)

2. Why gay parades? They seem a bit stupid. Why cant we just be gay without having to make people mad at us for being attention whores walking down the road with ranbow flags. I’m gay and I even think it is stupid.

3. I have had alot of people say to me that I’m a f’in moron or something like that…..I know this is a bit of an off-topic question but I want to know why some of you think that.

4. The spam posts on this forum are rediculous. Why cant people put their questions in the right catagory and if they do ask them make them not stupid?

5. Do any of you think some gays are just gay because its a fad? I believe that they are people like Matthew Lush and Jeffri Star who are complete attention whores and even make movies about themselves to be whores. Anyone think the same?

6. I enjoy people joking around on here, but why dont they understand that insulting someone can ruin that persons life? So many things can happen if you give advice like “yeah your gay” or insults. You never know how a person will react.

7. Like I mentioned, why do people think they can tell a person what orientation they are? You dont know, all you should do is give them advice to help them find out on their own.

8. Should I take asprin? I have a headache after typing this.
T_T I hate you people. I’m in a bad mood and you always end up making me blush =[ (voices I mean you :3)
T_T you too justin? :[ omg *hides face in pillow*

Best answer:

Answer by Callista B
Asexual is something that reproduces with itself. haha

yes, i think jeffry star is an attention whore, gay insults are so over done and well… in today’s society it’s too popular to be gay to be really considered an insult! (not that it’s a bad thing regardless)

take an excedrin and relax ;D

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