Some comments on the movie Donnie Darko?

Question by Special K: Some comments on the movie Donnie Darko?
Awesome movie. Sad, but great movie nonetheless.

Assuming I interpritted everything correctly, here is what I got from the movie:
The night the jet engine was to crash through Donnie’s roof, Donnie left his room, because the Rabbit told Donnie to leave, and then informed him that the world was going to end in 28.5 days. Donnie left his room, thereby disrupting the universe, in which he was intended to die. At that point, he began an alternate universe, one which would end in 28.5 days when this alternate universe joined back with the original universe. The Rabbit began guiding Donnie in a direction that would join the alternate universe with the original universe. He told him to commit certain actions which were part of a step-by-step process to guide things back to normal. At the end of this guidence, Donnie found himself back at the point the Rabbit told him to leave his house, except this time he didn’t leave. The plane Donnie led his mother to be in (In the alternate universe) was passing by a worm-hole from the alternate universe to the original universe, the engine came off and traveled through the worm-hole and into Donnie’s room, killing him back in the original universe.

Here is the genius: The Rabbit was what caused Donnie to disrupt the universe in the first place. The Rabbit’s very existence was the cause of the Rabbit’s appearence. The Rabbit was created when Donnie shot the person in the rabbit costume in the eye, in the alternate universe. The alternate universe, I’m understanding, runs in a circle, since it begins and ends in the same place. Thus the circular logic fits, of the Rabbit both forming and ending the alternate universe. The Rabbit exists only in the alternate universe.

What I don’t get: Why does the Rabbit exist in the first place? Is the movie suggesting that the minds of Schizophrenics exist in two universes at once, every time a new character is thought up. That is the only explanation I could think of. Otherwise, the existence of the Rabbit in the first place does not make sense, because he otherwise winds up creating himself. So if Donnie created the Rabbit through his insanity, he created an alternate universe, through his insanity in which a Rabbit exists. This Rabbit, by means of Donnie’s insanity, spawned the alternate universe, and then destroyed it too.

Has anybody watched this movie? If so, some thoughts and opinions would be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Hello, stranger.
Quirky, yet intriguing. A movie that would keep you asking yourself questions for days, even for weeks. “How did that happen?” “What is he doing?” Only those with great minds and director Richard Kelly can answer such queries.

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