So you want to be an architect – Part 3

Hi. Im Doug Patt and this is So you want to be an architect. A seven part series about the profession of architect. This is part 3. What does an architect learn? Architecture is an amazingly complex field and an incredible education in itself. Theres a lot that goes into any building and the architect should know their way around every inch. The architect also needs to understand people and for that matter society. So lets take a look at some interesting opinions about the spectrum of subjects an architect learns about in a lifetime of practice. Plutarch, a greek historian and writer once said, Philosophy is the art of living. Architecture surrounds us all and in a way dictates or reflects our way of life. Weather its a TeePee or a mansion, buildings represent what we believe is truth. Mark Twain said, clothes make the man. Naked people have no influence in society. This is funny but also true. Just as we need clothing, we need buildings that clothe us. The sociology of man is reflected in our buildings in what we believe, how we work and how we live. Albert Schweitzer (1875 – 1965) once said, Man is a clever animal who behaves like an imbecile. Now we all know weve got good sides and bad, but the reality is the psychology of man is manifest in architecture from prisons to massive stadiums. We make what we need to accomodate who we are. Stephen Nachmanovitch a musician, author, computer artist, and educator once said, Creative work is play. It is free speculation using
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(1948). All the greats of Jazz are here: Lionel Hampton, Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman,Golden Gate Quartet, Tommy Dorsey, Mel Powell, Louis Bellson, Charlie Barnett… (1947). Comedy Gangster’s moll Honey Swanson goes into hiding when her boyfriend is under investigation by the police. Where better to hide than a musical research institute staffed entirely by lonely bachelors? She gets more than she bargained for when the head of the institute Professor Hobart Frisbee starts to fall for her. GET IT IN DVD HERE:
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