So we are making this KKK silent movie in school……?

Question by Ethan R: So we are making this KKK silent movie in school……?
What kind of funny things could we put into it? Let me fill you in with what we have so far…..

It starts out with a burning “small letter t”. There are KKK members gathered around it doing their thing. We write some text on the on the screen that says, “We are burning this “t” because it is time, time for the minorities to leave”. After a little more idle time, a Mexican, an African American, a Jew, and a Christian (the KKK also hate the Christians) walk by. The Clan members go after them. A chase scene occurs. As they are running, they pass a little sign that says, “Mexican/Jew/Black/Christian gathering just ahead”. After a little more running, we come to a big crowd of minorities. The minorities, now with the advantage, start chasing after the Clan members. We go to another chase scene, now with the Clan being chased. It ends with the two lead clan members being caught and lynched.

Anyone have any good ideas to add in? Any way I could be more historically accurate?

BTW, we have already had our idea approved by our teacher and he has no problem with it. There will be no controversy about this movie getting made because we live in North Dakota, where we are not racist and all of our minorities do not care, so please do not say anything about it being wrong, keep those opinions to yourself please.

Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by thomas p
I would have focused on a meaningful hate group like Greenpeace.

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