Seven Tips For Small Business Branding


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you are out of the gate, changing the world’s established perception of you will be very difficult so again, think about who you want to be before your hang up your shingle.

Sometimes what you set out to be is different from what you become. That’s okay, even if it wasn’t part of your plan. If your audience leads you to a new place, follow them and deliver on their expectations. Don’t try to force them back to where you originally wanted to be or they will probably abandon you for your competition.

Of course there are dozens of other ideas for building the brand of a small or mid-sized business. And there are probably thousands of experts, books, blogs, lectures, and classes on the subject. This is not meant to be Gospel. It’s just some friendly advice.

Dom Moreci is the creative director of Plumbline Studios – a creative services firm in Napa,

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