Sales Success: All You Need To Know


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events or just “part of the game” by professionals with defined dreams.  The polished professional knows the payoff is out there.  You remember it pays to stay when your WHY, your purpose, is reviewed often enough.  Review instills the passion to keep going and the curiosity, fun and excitement to discover how the process unfolds.  As you review often enough to keep the goal fresh in your mind’s eye, you’ll make your decisions in line with your purpose.

5.  PROSPECT CONSISTENTLY: Call it warm calling, cold calling, lead generation or marketing, the gist is: talk to people.  How many per day/week/month?  There’s no substitute for making contacts consistently.  You don’t enjoy this?  Quick: flash to your purpose.  With your WHY in mind, you can choose to see the task of talking as a pleasure and a stepping-stone to a worthy end.  Sales is

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