Running logoff scripts process hangs everytime when attempting to shutdown while in the office.?

Question by Lok: Running logoff scripts process hangs everytime when attempting to shutdown while in the office.?
Actually a user at my work is having this problem and it’s only occuring while he’s connected to the company network. His laptop shutsdown fine while he’s at home but when he’s in the office connected to the network the “running logoff sripts” process hangs for several minutes when he tries to shutdown his laptop. What’s going on, i’m guessing it has something to do with his computer being on the network that’s causing this. Any solutions???

Best answer:

Answer by tommy
if it’s compay laptop, network admin pushes various scripts for updates. the length of time it hangs is depending on when the last time you are connect to office network. if you’ve missed several updates that network admin pushes out, it will hang there till all updates are downloaded to your pc.

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