Run Malwarebytes Antimalware Malicious Software Removal on Windows 7 | Faster 7 Part 5

This video is brought to you by: Many people are under the assumption that in order to remove spyware and adware from their computer, they need to install fourty five thousands different pieces of software on them to make sure they are clean. The truth is one or two REALLY good pieces of anti-malware software is enough to take care of the most dangerous pieces of malware you might get. Malware, by the way, is “Malicious Software”. This is where Malwarebytes Antimalware comes in. This software is hands down the best free piece of antimalware software in the market today. If it doesn’t catch what you have, it would raise some red flags to me… and there is always the option to run it in safe mode if you have trouble removing certain malware that may be on your computer. Running Malwarebytes is extremely easy. It is a stand alone scanner, so once you have installed it, it is just a matter of booting it up, running the updates and clicking ‘quick scan’. For those of you running it for the first time, I recommend doing the ‘full scan’. This will make sure your system is clean, but have patience, it may take up to two hours depending on how much stuff you have on your computer. Run Malwarebytes Antimalware Malicious Software Removal on Windows 7 1. Download Malwarebytes through the following link 2. Run through the installer, making sure to agree to the terms of service. 3. At the end of the installation, leave the “update” box checked and
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