Recover Data Q&A


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a freezed wall, and the pc restarted by mistake, can i recover the delete files? i tried “Active undelete”, and “EasyRecovery” but in vain I’m afraid not. Once the PC is restarted, it’s resembling the file never existed. …

Is it possible to recover files I delete from my USB flash drive?
I took a few music files from my sister’s computer and put them on a flash drive, then put them on my iTunes. Unfortunately I completely forgot to move them to my music folder previously putting them on iTunes, and only remembered to put them contained by…

Is it possible to recover files on winxp from an acount that be delete from a laptop?
Lots of ways, when the account is removed generally the user information is not deleted unless specified. If it be manually deleted you can use an assortment of recover software

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