Radiation 20 TIMES higher in Air,water & 14 states drinking water while EPA raises “normal” levels?

“Japan nuclear emergency at Fukushima to continue for six to nine months” www.telegraph.co.uk *EPA to raise limits for radiation exposure while Canada turns off fallout detectors* ! ! ! ! ! THE EFFECTS OF RADIATION EXPOSURE IS ACCUMULATIVE ! ! ! ! ! That’s why regulatory agencies set yearly thresholds of acceptable exposure for employees who regularly work around radioactive material. The mass radioactive contamination of our planet is now under way thanks to the astonishing actions taking place at the Fukushima nuclear facility in Japan. As of last night, TEPCO announced it is releasing 10000 tons of radioactive water directly into the Pacific Ocean. That 2.4 million gallons of planetary poison being dumped directly into the ocean. This water is being released because they have run out of places to keep it on land. It’s too deadly to transport anywhere else, and all the storage pools around Fukushima are already overflowing. So they’re dumping it into the ocean, then calling it “safe” because they claim the ocean will “disperse” all the radiation and make it harmless. But because there’s more radioactive water being produced every day at Fukushima, this process of releasing radioactive water into the ocean could theoretically continue for years, easily making Fukushima the worst nuclear disaster in the history of our world. The EPA maintains a set of so-called “Protective Action Guides” (PAGs). These PAGs are being quickly revised to radically increase the allowable

This is a video made in tribute of the 96 Liverpool fans that died in the Hillsborough Disaster of 1989. Most of the video is taken from the 20th anniversary show broadcast on LFC, with a couple of pieces of my own work thrown in. The song included in the video is called “Heart as big as Liverpool” you can buy it from the iTunes store, as well as HMV. For more information on the song look here: www.fieldsofanfieldroad.co.uk All funds raised go to the Hillsborough Family Support Group, and sales of the song help raise awareness of the disaster so please buy the song and support a good cause. Please also note that any unsavoury comments will be blocked, and the users making them will be blocked from making any more comments on my videos. This is in memory of 96 people who died needlessly, so please be respectful. For more information regarding the Hillsborough disaster visit www.contrast.org Please note, to the idiots that are spamming my videos… I do not give a crap about your stupid god damn scam sites, show some respect for the dead and stop using my video to try and make profit

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