Quick review and demo – ProjectMessiah and LightWave connectivity

This is my VERY quick run-through using Messiah Studio 5 (Demo) alongside LightWave to quickly introduce people to the 3 plugins that set up a connection between the two applications. With the current deal being offered (and looking like its close to complete so you’d have to hurry) of the software being an incredibly small then this seemed like one way to let people know how easily these two programs work alongside each other. If you didn’t know about this deal – check this out here (if its still running) www.projectmessiah.com When I get time, I’ll get some more videos together. One of the things I’ve noted while “mucking about” with this demo is just how much I’m actually ENJOYING the software. Its fairly intuitive (though did take a while to realise there were a load more features hidden inside the interface (pop up menus, right-click tab menus)) Awesome tool!

nerdityfap.com Aye wassup youtube, iDCL once again, with a review for one of the most amazing games of this time, Red Dead Redemption. I give Rockstar huge props for making this game, living up to every last bit of the hype and much more. Enjoy! “This Game, kicks sweet-ass!” – Will Ferrell (Step Brothers) No copyright infringement intended Music Rights Reserved to Ennio Morricone

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