Question about making movies and how to go about making one?

Question by Welcome to my world, the world of Red Bull: Question about making movies and how to go about making one?
ok so i asked a question a little while ago and people told me to get started in the movie writing business i have to make some movies myself, however i have a few questions about that

1) i dont know where to get actors, my family is terrible at acting and i dont know where i would find actors for a small time movie

2) how would i do the effects and costumes? i dont have much money to spend and i dont want fake stupid costumes, so how would i get all the special effects?

3) what (if i did get movie made) would i do with it after?

thanks guys

Best answer:

Answer by Rachel
Well, I can answer your first question. Getting actors should be easier than anything I would think, considering there are so many aspiring actors dying for any kind of experience or exposure. Post an ad online on like craigslist or something of the sort, if you go to high school or college, post it on the bulletin boards.

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