Q&A: will the twilight movie make as much money as harry potter did?

Question by ANTI-TWILIGHT CLUB (founder): will the twilight movie make as much money as harry potter did?
will it make as much money?
i dont think it’ll make QUITE as much… although i still think it will make a fairly large sum

what do you think about the movie? do you think it will be good or bad? what do you think about the characters? edward or bjacob?

how dare jacob imprint on nessie? shes jacobs before she gets a chance to be bellas? does anyone else get annoyed how jacob never leaves nessie alone? he never gives edward bella and nessie and family time together except when they sleep, and he is even outside SHES A BABY SHE SHOULD BE WITH HER MOTHER MORE THAN HIM grrrrr

what do you think about everything?

Best answer:

Answer by Ethan
No, I don’t think so.

Twilight doesn’t have the target audience as much as the Harry Potter series did. Even though I’ve read Twilight and I thought it was okay, it was highly focused on romance, love and teen-drama – so I don’t think many other males would be interested in watching a film like that.

I’ve read the book and couldn’t care less about watching the film.

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