Q&A: Why reproduce not the movie ‘the Book of Eli ‘ of Denzel Washington on very sure and strong bases ?

Question by : Why reproduce not the movie ‘the Book of Eli ‘ of Denzel Washington on very sure and strong bases ?
The movie has been achieved superbly but… the Bible cannot be this ‘the Book of Eli ‘ because simply its basis is very fragile and weak.
In the Bible, the most printed book and the read and most sacred at the Christian, one finds some awful injustices.
To title of example, Noah, because of the view of his nudity by his son black Cham, cursed the innocent Canaan, the son of Cham, unjustly! Canaan has been condemned by Noah to become the slave of his two white uncles: Japhet and Sem!
And all descendants of Canaan are the blacks and sons of slave Canaan. And Paul nicknamed the apostle of the kind was delighted in his speech addressed to the people of Galatians not to be a son of the slaves because as says the writing it is necessary to hunt the sons of the slaves…! (RACIAL DISCRIMINATION)! (Genesis ch.9 v.18-27)
Another example of the injustice that is in the Bible-words of God – one has the order given by the Merciful Jesus to his pupils to kill some innocent sons only because their mother Jezebel was offending! (THE VICTIM HERE WAS THE MAN). (Bible, Revelation, ch.2 v.20 to 23)
Another example: Jesus cursed a poor fig-tree iniquitously that, out of its production season, could not carry some fruits at the time of starved God passage! But the worse it is that this appreciative God didn’t know that it was not the season of production of the figs and didn’t know that this fig-tree didn’t carry any fig that when he himself in is approached!!! (THE VICTIM HERE WAS THE NATURE). (Bible, Marc, ch.11 v.12 to 14)
Another example: Jesus allowed demons to penetrate in the body of about 2000 innocents pigs. Pigs that because of these demons and this divine permission, are going to find the death by drowning in the sea!!! (THE VICTIM HERE WAS THE ANIMAL). (Bible, Marc, ch.5 v.11 to 13).
But you don’t make to some because the church found to every biblical injustice an exit while inventing the extraordinary exegeses that are going to allow the Bible to remain ‘the Book of Eli ‘ and especially as the credulous creatures swallow whatever without possibility to say whatever it is because they believe that it is taboo to contradict the infallible preachers, pastors and ministers of God on earth…!

‘the Book of Eli ‘ also consists of these sacred words:
– God told Ezekiel: “You will eat cakes of barley, that you will make cook in their presence with human excrements. ” (Ezekiel, ch.4 v.12).
– Jesus told his pupils: “To the rest, bring here my enemies, who didn’t want that I piloted on them, and kill them in my presence. ” (Luc, ch.19 v.27).
But the church, for this kind of divine words, uses her magic instruments that permit to transform the paradoxical verses while giving them an acceptable aspect and so that the picture of the Bible doesn’t fall.
The church said that the sons of Jezebel were demons (hallelujah church), the tree was a symbol of the Evil (hallelujah church) and the pigs were devils (hallelujah church)!!!
The enemies were not in fact that of the Q and the human excrement was only Z… swallow them and final point and that God forgives you!
According to ‘Skeptic’s Annotated Bible ‘, ‘the Book of Eli ‘ is simply:
* 384 contradictions, * 1105 injustices, * 1077 absurdities, * 301 historic or scientific mistakes, * 858 acts or cruel or violent decrees, * 547 intolerant words, * 32 words homophobes, * 301 misogynistic words, * 170 coarse words, * 309 shocking or absurd domestic values of which one can wonder if God allows it, * 204 no achieved prophecies, * 285 texts interpreted to the sauce of every religion…
It is only little by far and people blind themselves or don’t want to see or to know.
Conclusion: For Elie, the Bible is a basis that will serve to develop a new society, just and equitable. But the veracity and the authenticity of this deliver-guide are very questionable and hypothetical. Therefore it is necessary to rebuild the script on sure and strong bases.

Best answer:

Answer by Mudoogul
Both are works of fiction, so what’s the problem?

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