Q&A: Why do people talk too much? How do you make them stop?

Question by GabbyGal: Why do people talk too much? How do you make them stop?
My Mom has moved in with me and my family for half the year due to her health and $ $ troubles. (other half with my sister)

Unfortunatly, she was a abusive parent and I do not feel that close to her and am just helping her out of a sense of duty.

It wouldn’t be so bad if she would stop talking so much. And she is argumentative and doesn’t listen and had the nerve to tell me to not talk after she had been talking and talking.

I kind of lost it and told her that she talks too much and has a lot of nerve to tell me to not talk when I had been listening to her for hours.

I said (we were in the car on the way home from the store) Why don’t we all just be quiet until we get home and she just ignored me and continued to talk!

I am a stay at home Mom and when I get up I usually clean the house while I watch the news and she just keeps talking to me and it really annoys and make me very tired.

I do not want to be mean to her… but why is she doing this?? and how can I nicly make her stop?

She even talks to the tv and she will not try to make friends by joining a club or volunteering.

But she will talk to anybody that will listen , (example the cable guy, people I hire to work on my house ETC.) I know she is lonely but I cannot be her everything.

I had to move our tv upstairs so me and my husband could watch it without her contant catting during a program.

She actually flipped me off when I told her I was going to take the movie up stairs that we were watching the last time she was her!

I thought if I understood the psycological reason she talks too much maybe i coild figure out how to deal with her.

correction- constant chattering

Best answer:

Answer by robertminidriver
Yes, it sounds like she is lonely and needs an outlet for her thoughts and emotions.

I suggest that you attempt to cajole her into joining one of a myriad of chat rooms on the internet. She can join one of those groups and then chat and complain hours on end.

And, she will find many confrontational come backs to anything she has to say on those forums.

Just try to redirect her energy into another activity which will occupy her and waste away some of that excess energy and verve which she is currently directing at you.

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