Q&A: “Why Are Some Writers/Editors Haters Of New Writers? I don’t understand. See Below>>”?

Question by : “Why Are Some Writers/Editors Haters Of New Writers? I don’t understand. See Below>>”?
(I simply…contacted a woman in my area that I seen on line with a pic.. whom was an editor. All. that I asked her was if she still edits work..because it seems you wrote a book. She was a Midwest house wife.. frumpy looking .. home grown I may add. But.. despite her look.. I did not say a word about my work.. etc. She emails me a one page letter on how hard the business is and don’t expect to get far any time soon in the business.. and some other negative information and advise. The email had a very bitter feel to it. She also said some untrue falty statements.. that I knew other wise because I spoke to a best selling author.. who is also a writing coach. She tried to basically discourage me. Also.. the worse part was she (assumed) I did not have the money she said it takes for a good edit. When I never discussed this or said a word. She also assumed.. I did not research my genre.. which sent me into bizerk mode. LOL. I was so.. mad! Beyond what words can say. The tone of this email was not called for and she was being a “Biatch”.. to the highest degree. Needless to say..” She got my Kimora Lee Simpson New Jersey Up!” . I went New Jersey on her in an email.. even adding a personal insult at the end. Being the writer I am.. I couldn’t refuse. “How Dare She I Thought!” Being from NJ .. we take no crap and have no mercy on some one like this! That is for sure! Here was a woman that does not even have a best seller. She is not multi talented in other facets of art as I am. How dare she step on my toes.. when all I asked her was… “Does She Still Edit?” .

My Question Is: Why….. Are other writers and editor who write and edit.. like this to new writers? Is it frustration? Burn Out? Jealousy? Bitterness? All the above?

In my own opinion.. from what I have seen.. Not everyone is meant to be a famous writer lets say. We all write to have a voice and be heard. Many books that are written sit on library shelves or book store shelves in the back some where, never making the best seller list.. never making movies etc. Not everyone can be the Jennifer Anniston of the literary world. So to speak.

I just wish.. we could all offer more positive advise and supportive talk. I also wish women weren’t so caddy.. men bond and stick together.. helping each other out .. way more then women do. Its sad .. but true.

This woman was also angered.. I don’t know why.

Thanks.. Just wanted to vent.

Best answer:

Answer by Kathryn W
Because they receive letters, emails and other communications from people who can barely string a sentence together who claim to be the next JK Rowling. New writers, particularly if they are young can write query letters that sound very unprofessional and can often make the mistake of contacting a publisher or agent who is not interested in their particular genre. Also, they tend to submit work before it has been thoroughly edited. Naturally they become tired of these communications.

That, however, does not ever justify rudeness in any way, shape or form. I think that kind of conduct is unprofessional. My advice is that you practice the craft of writing and do not contact this person again. You can find a list of reputable publishers and agents inside the Writer’s Marketplace.

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