Q&A: Why am I always so envious of everyone?

Question by Denise: Why am I always so envious of everyone?
I took a personality test at school and my main trait was competition. Now I realize it’s taking over my life. An example: My friend wants to be a director, and loves making movies. Now I want to match her, so I am learning lingo and watching Oscar films. It seems like this happens with all my friends. I’m not sure if it’s because I want to fit in, but it’s really bothering me. I can’t enjoy EVERYTHING! How can I deal with this?

Best answer:

Answer by miss.leading
I think you havn’t found the ONE thing that you are truly passionate about yet, so you try different things out and the obvious way to find fun things to do is by looking at what the people who influence you most (your friends) do. I have my things that i like, but I also do a lot of things only because I’m doing it with friends. it’s human nature to be envious

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