Q&A: Where do they get those reference books that characters use in horror movies?

Question by : Where do they get those reference books that characters use in horror movies?
Yes, I meant to say “IN”.

You know how it is, while the plot unfolds – a character will pull out thick volumes of books that have detailed descriptions about the phenomenon. Like, in the Ghost Rider movie, Johnny Blaze (played by Nicholas Cage) was reading about demons, possession, and “taking control of possessing spirits”. In The Wolfman (2010), Gwen (Emily Blunt) had this thick book about the Lycanthropy and I assume, other such beings. Even gypsy manuals that deal with the subject.

Do they make these things up for the movie? Or are they real books like those that I could find if I look harder? If you know of any place where I can get them, please – tell me. I’d really appreciate it.


Best answer:

Answer by Kthxbye
They’re props.

By the way, what did you mean, you meant to say “in?” That’s the right way to say it, so why’d you think you had to point it out?

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