Q&A: where can i learn to be a movie director?

Question by Servant of الله: where can i learn to be a movie director?
i believe i have the talent required to become one of the greatest, if not greatest movie director alive…i have reason to believe so but i would be more than happy to be argued against, given if i showed that which i could produce in motion picture…i current attend a college whose academic choices don’t include cinemetography, although im looking perhaps for other ideas than sitting in a classroom aththough, at the same time, taking it into great consideration. How can i get a hold of hollywood to demonstrate my movie making skills, and do so effictively so as not to give the appearance as another poser but someone who is serious about his work?

Best answer:

Answer by Tyler
move to la and go to school at usc and find a job….thats what my bros friend is doiung

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