Q&A: What makes movies “dark” besides lighting?

Question by Julia Goulia: What makes movies “dark” besides lighting?
I have to write a 10 minute long script for a play my 9th grade Honors English class.

It is so stupid so far. It sounds so lame, like all cheery and does not sound like how people really talk. Instead, I decided I wanted to make it dark, like a Tim Burton movie, but am stuck on how to go about this, besides notes in lighting in the script?

Any tips, please?
The basic story is of a girl who tries hard in life, and has a friend that becomes famous using a site that is basically YouTube, then gets jealous and kills her in a drunken rage.

Best answer:

Answer by DaPurpleNinjas
Well what’s the theme of your play?

Think of a sort of negative theme, such as trying so hard to reach your dream, & then failing. [Not rele a theme, but i couldn’t think of anything else]

Or base your play on a quote.

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