Q&A: What is a good name for my movie?

Question by y should u care??: What is a good name for my movie?
Me and my friend are making this movie and it starts out that we both go to a camp. This camp is a death trap for the two of us so I die and she survives. She then has to figure out who murdered me while trying to not get murdered herself. The title to this movie has to 1) be scary 2) go with the topic 3) sound attention grabbing 4) will make you want to see it. If you want to see it all you have to do is at the end of your answer write “I want to see this” and I’ll put up another question form with the link when we are done because we might put it on youtube. I can’t give you the channel because we are going to make a totally different one. I have one with my other friend and she has her own and I have my own. Please help I really need this so bad!

Best answer:

Answer by (Film Guy)
Welcome To Paradise (I know it sounds like the opposite of what you want, but that’s the whole point. With a title like this, and a story such as the one you have come up with, I would be intrigued by the title.)

The Jungle

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