Q&A: What do you think of the where the wild things are movie and video game?

Question by bill d: What do you think of the where the wild things are movie and video game?
when I was 4-7 my mom always read the book to me but it was like, less then 20 pages, how can they make a movie and video game based on a book thats like 10 pages. And I read that the book is almost 50 years old why is the movie getting made in 2009?

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Answer by ↓ ஐ♥мǝØω♥εϊз™ ↑
I think the movie is going to be awesome! I didn’t know there was going to be a video game for it. Hmm. Well in the movie they elaborate the story in detail. I think it will make a lot people feel nostalgic.

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