Q&A: Teens: How come some of you act like this?

Question by : Teens: How come some of you act like this?
If you’re in a movie theater you clap at every single thing that happens. When you’re at school you start clapping in the cafeteria to get other people to clap. You talk about every single person behind their back. And truthfully you can be just plain hateful. When a teacher asks you politely to do something you suck your teeth and give them an attitude. You walk as slow as possible down the hallways and don’t care if you make anyone else late. You say that you’re the toughest person at the school but if a teacher even asks you to do your work you cry and complain as if you’ve never even heard of manual labor. You don’t follow any of the rules and for some reason don’t realize that you look like a complete idiot when you argue with an adult about something as simple as pulling up your pants. Why are some of you so disrespectful? I’m a teen as well and I don’t even understand. Yes I do have days where my hormones are raging and I just feel like I’m going to punch someone in the throat if they even look at me wrong but you act like this everyday. Why? What is so wrong with you that you have to act like this? You talk out of turn you don’t do you work you think that acting like a spoiled brat is some how cool, going to make you a rapper when you grow up and you think it makes you look tough when it doesn’t. Do you just need a good slap in the face or something? What’s wrong with you? You act like animals…actually scratch that wild animals are more behaved and civilized than you.
This is the exact reason why my title says “how come SOME OF YOU.” SOME OF YOU BEING THE MAIN WORDS HERE. And, not once did I say that I was better than anyone else. Although I’m sure that anyone will agree with me when I say that it is annoying as heck when an unruly teen won’t shut up during a movie and you basically waste 2 hours and about $ 30 listening to some brat talking on her cell phone or having some boy kick your seat or trying to have a simple conversation but all you get is snide comments about how someone looks. Just once I would like to meet a down to earth person. Someone who isn’t obsessed with gossip or looking cool or texting on the phone while driving to look more “adult”. Where are all the down to earth people? I know people are going to tell me that I’m snobby for not giving brats an excuse to act bratty but I’m tired of constantly listening to people talk about being emo and how bad their life sucks and how this one chick told off her boyfriend because he went out

Best answer:

Answer by Horror
Who the hell are you talking to? Just because you think you’re better doesn’t give you the right to stereotype everyone (not that some parts are actually justified). Seriously grow up

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