Q&A: Recommended monologues and scripts?

Question by drama3chic: Recommended monologues and scripts?
I am a 14 year old girl, planning on being an actress at some point in the near future. However, right now I don`t really have the resources (or time) to go to a bigger city and find some auditions. So, I`m planning on making a YouTube channel, and putting videos of me acting up there, so I can get some feedback. But I`m at a loss of ideas. I haven`t a clue of what monologue`s I should start with, so does anyone have any suggestions of things I could perform?

Best answer:

Answer by ƭʅǐƿ
You could try auditioning for local productions in your area, or make one with your friends.. anyways, here’s a site with some free monologues http://theatrefolk.com/ Click on “free stuff”

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