Q&A: Name of animated Stop Motion opera?

Question by focuskate: Name of animated Stop Motion opera?
I was wondering if somebody could help me find the name of this weird stop motion animation opera. This isn’t recent at all I have been thinking about this ever since the day I saw it which was many many years ago, and recently I thought I’d try asking here. Many years ago when I was a kid this was like maybe around 1995 or 1998, I went on a trip to mexico with my grandma and mom, we stopped for the night in a city I can’t remember where maybe like chihuahua or something or mexico city and we stayed at this hotel. It was a very nice hotel like a moderate one like a four seasons or something, not like some crappy little motel 6 or something. Anyways we we’re staying the night and I was watching tv in the hotel room the next morning when I was flipping channels and I came across this weird animated stop motion thing on one of the channels so I started to watch it, I don’t know if it was a short or a movie, or what it was but it was at least as long as one full opera song if that makes sense. Anyways basically there’s this stop motion built city, it was like underground or I don’t know but there was no sky it was just a black sky, and the homes we’re like made out of stone like reminiscent of ancient italy or something like that, but the city was empty and there was just this stop motion character dressed up in the garb of the time like ancient opera italian clothes wandering around the city singing this opera song, I have no Idea what it was called or what song it was but I can guarantee it was an opera song, and he was just wandering around this empty city singing this opera song, he seemed sad and so did the song. Now even back then in 1995 or 1998 this stop motion short looked like it could have been made in the 80’s or I could be wrong I don’t know. Like I said, I was in mexico at the time when I’d seen this so if that helps..I’ve tried looking it up but have come up empty handed. I know this isn’t much information to go on, actually none at all, just vague descriptions..and honestly I don’t expect anyone to know the answer to this question, I know I’ll probably never know what it was I saw that day, I’ve accepted that, but just maybe someone out there does have an answer for me. So I was hoping someone might know what it is I’m describing, or point me to someone or somewhere I can finally get an answer to what this stop motion animation was. Anywhere or anyone at all, that could possibly have the answer.

Best answer:

Answer by Shilpi
check in this http://watch-moviez.ws/ you will get the answer

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