Q&A: Movie Question (Business man who is away from home often)?

Question by emehms: Movie Question (Business man who is away from home often)?
I need to make a refterence to a movie for a paper in English class. I need a movie that has a father who is away from home on business so he isn’t in his childrens lives as often as he would like to be. Any help would be appreciated

Best answer:

Answer by ☮lovebug☮
the family man
i saw it a few years ago but i vaguely remember it being about a man (nicholas cage) who had like a super important job and never got to spend time with his wife or kids and then he got to go back and change things and he was closer to his family but then at the end something else happened but i know in the beginning of the movie he was always working and he didn’t spend any time with his family cuz when he changed his behavior his wife and his kids were all confused so yeah im pretty sure thats the synopsis so you should check it out and see if it’s what you’re looking for and if you can use it in your paper

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