Q&A: Movie Making Camera for interesting atmosphere and colours/light.?

Question by : Movie Making Camera for interesting atmosphere and colours/light.?
I want to make a movie.
What camera and software is best?
The movie will be of course not on a huge budget though I am thinking of a Camera that has good lens/light capabilities, able to capture light and atmosphere in many different locations.

I am not looking for an handy cam film or a low res film, I want something professional.

What budget and software, mind you I am not on a movie producers budget so I am thinking under $ 10,000 for a camera and software.

I would also consider second hand or older cameras that suit this type of film shooting style.


3 minutes ago
– 4 days left to answer.

Additional Details

I am not looking for a handy cam, so movie camera people with a good knowledge of film cameras used for specific situations on a budget might be able to help me.

1 second ago

Best answer:

Answer by Koedak
I would suggest considering Canon 550D/T2i equipped with a good lens and the Glidecam 2000 (video stabilizer for smooth motion).
Check a test video here http://vimeo.com/27973852.
And here is a video shot with 550D using the Glidecam http://vimeo.com/12333216.
There’s plenty of short movies, music videos, etc. on both youtube and vimeo.

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