Q&A: Is it wrong to copy a joke from somewhere and make a movie?

Question by babyfreeze: Is it wrong to copy a joke from somewhere and make a movie?
Is it considered as like illegal or sth to take a joke from somewhere and make a short skit based on it? Example, I found this joke on omghumour.com and decided to make a short movie and post it on YouTube out of it. Is it wrong? Or copyrights and all? Thing is idk if it’s their joke like they created it or not, and I should put their name as credits right?

Best answer:

Answer by RunningBear
Copyright on jokes is a bit of a vague one. It kinda all depends on how specific the joke is and how closely you copy it. See this article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-10725773

OMGHumor.com doesn’t appear to make their own material, just collect it from elsewhere. It’s so easy to share and spread stuff on the internet these days that the owners of this various material might not even know it’s there – they might not even have permission to show it themselves!

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