Q&A: Is it ok to major in finance (business) and minor in Film to get into the film industry or make indie movies?

Question by element6: Is it ok to major in finance (business) and minor in Film to get into the film industry or make indie movies?
My dreams are to become a producer and, above all, a screenwriter. I want to major in finance so I can learn the business of movie making since it is one. Also I can have something to fall back on just in case and the money is good. Finance can help me in movie making since I can start my own project.

What do you think? Any suggestions/answers?

Best answer:

Answer by GambitGrrl
As with anything in life, it’s more about who you know than anything else. I’d look for a film school with a reputation for turning out successful writers/producters/actors etc…and network just as much as you study!

But until that point, writing is like drawing….anyone can learn how to draw, but few of them are truly talented at it. So start and/or keep writing.

Find groups that you can get with to have others read your work and you read theirs. (meetup.com is a good place to find groups). Join poetry groups, and other general writing groups.

See if you even have a knack for it and then decide where to go from there.

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