Q&A: If you have a great screenplay, what is the best way to pursue making it a movie?

Question by Anna: If you have a great screenplay, what is the best way to pursue making it a movie?
How do you get it into the hands of a producer/director?

Would it be wise to get your friends in on it and make a trailer yourself and put it on youtube and try to gain a bunch of views?

Best answer:

Answer by Neon Tiger
Simple. Approach the director, make a contact and talk to them. If they like your script for sure they will inform you that they will put it in a film. Then, the director will ask a giant studio, i.e. Columbia, Universal, Warner, etc. They will talk about it behind closed doors of meeting hall and see if top executives are interested to fund that project. If not, then you’re on your way. That’s the right time for you to post it on youtube and hopefully an indie director will spot it and becomes interested. Of course, you get a lesser pay for your script. Anyway, good luck dear.

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