Q&A: I need a script opener for a… different kind of… thing…?

Question by Living in Joyalty: I need a script opener for a… different kind of… thing…?
You should know I was awake and under no influence of drugs when I came up with the story for this.

In the middle stone age, there was a village called The Oligarchy. For years the Oligarchy (Ruled by the Michel Family) have been feuding with the Spartans. (Ruled by the Ioannis Family) The kings of the two countries came together to discuss how they may bring peace and unity to their lands. They decide their only option is to sell Arista Michel (Princess of The Oligarchy) as a bride to Heinz Ioannis. (Prince of Sparta)
Throughout the thing, Deneb Michel (Prince of the Oligarchy) is applying for his chariot license, and he tries to help Arista escape to the safe community thirty minutes away… To Camelot, where she falls in love with Rigel Kokinos, a peasant boy. His apprenticeship is in DJing.

I have a pretty good idea of everything that happens, but it’s the beginning I need help with. All I know is she never completely escapes the wedding, her brother stops it in time.
So if you have any ideas on how I should open this… that’d be great. Thanks for tolerating this odd question.
Sounds like a plan. (It’s supposed to be a drama/romance… with little bits that are typical culture to them and strange for anyone on Earth.)

Best answer:

Answer by Matt H
Is it going to be a comedy, drama, romance? The opening scene will really set the mood for the rest of the movie.

You could start out with one village or the other getting attacked to set up the tension between the groups (drama), or set up the romance by showing Arista at a party where Rigel is DJing, and they meet and fall for each other despite the pending political marriage. For a comedy you’d want to have some kind of funny scene depending on the kind of humor you were planning.

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