Q&A: i am about to start on a script for a movie, i need ideas, and resources?

Question by dee jay: i am about to start on a script for a movie, i need ideas, and resources?
1. Before I start on my first movie script, I would like the power of the voice of the people. I already know that I want to make a comedy or a drama or a mix of the two. However, I would like to hear ideas for plots and settings where my story can take place and what it will be about

2. I’ve checked the major movie network’s websites and there are NO signs of writing positions (not as in “they are not hiring” but as if the writing positions are with isolated companies) long story short, where can I mail/turn in my scripts to get them sold to a company like Sony Pictures or Universal Pictures?

Thank you in advance

Best answer:

Answer by Brooke
I used to want to be a screenwriter too!
Go to inktip.com they are excellent and they helped me find an agent and a screenwriter (you might need one cuz they will be scrip doctors for you who will touch up your writing. Thats the actual term by the, script doctors.) Just…..theres so much to tell you about. Just go to inktip.com and browse it for a few minutes. Not a lot to read. I’m lettin you know that place and those pple are great!

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