Q&A: how can I make a free movie review website?

Question by : how can I make a free movie review website?
I like doing movie reviews on youtube and I want to do them on my own website, I need something completely free. I just want to do written reviews, maybe video. If it costs anything chances are I cannot get it. Is there a website that I can go to to make my very own website. Oh and if there is could you give me tips on how to promote my website?

Best answer:

Answer by James
Tyler, you’re in luck.

You can create complelty free websites with a site called WordPress. It promotes it’s self as a blogging platform, but would work perfectly for a movie reviews websites. You’ll get your own address, i.e.


And be able to insert You Tube clips and write your own reviews, without any web design knowledge. Go to http://wordpress.com/ and hit the get started button.

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