Q&A: Have You Ever Worked In Telemarketing? Did You Hate It?

Question by libra27: Have You Ever Worked In Telemarketing? Did You Hate It?
I hated it. I had to do it when I was a teen, because that was one of the few jobs available to someone my age. I’d already done the fast food thing, and was ready for a change. Well let me tell ya, I would take fast food any day over telemarketing. I got cursed out and hung up on, more times in one day, than I ever have in my life. Also, I didn’t like how they tried to make us sell our product, even when the person might be old and senile. We had to stick to the script. Once, I was on the line with an old woman, and she was going to agree to sign up with us, but I could tell that she obviously did not know what she was agreeing to. So, I just went ahead and told her that I did not think our service would be the right one for her. Luckily, my line wasn’t being monitored at the time, because I knew I would have been fired for sure. However, I was not about to screw over an elderly person like that. Plus, I quit soon after anyway. Telemarketing is no fun.

Best answer:

Answer by Carmen R
Thanks God I never had to do this type of job because I really don’t like it… My respect to people that are working on that area…

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