Q&A: Does anyone have good any phone scripts for finding sponsors?

Question by bestdjinohio: Does anyone have good any phone scripts for finding sponsors?
I am trying to launch a website similiar to petfinder. The plans are to pay for expenses from sponsor ad’s and allow people to list their animals for free on this website. My main purpose of wanting to do this is to help keep animals off the streets and try to get people to stop just dropping their animals off at the side of the road. I want to make phone calls to area “pet related services” but I don’t know of a phone script. Any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by A F
We raise more than half the support of our ministry from phone calls to area businesses. I used to be one of the owners of a marketing and consulting co that set up calling programs. I am not in a position to do scripting free but I can make some suggestions. Write out in the simplest possibe terms what you have to offer and what you want. Then cu tit back because it probably says too much. You should be able to do the intro in less than 1 min. Only of you get some spark of interest do you want to go further. Be sure to emphasise the benefits to the sponsor not just the features of the site. Word it and present it as if you were talking to a long time friend who has a business. That is a good place to start by the way even if you have to offervery low rates to get your frst advertisers because few want to be the very first, You’ll probably need your site up and running so sponsors can see it even if it is just a site template.

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