Q&A: Do you have a movie script you’d consider selling to an aspiring (serious) film maker?

Question by Sarah S: Do you have a movie script you’d consider selling to an aspiring (serious) film maker?

Best answer:

Answer by Rob
I have many ideas but I don’t have any friends that are aspiring/serious film makers….if you’re interested in working together I’d be more than happy to…………………robeverliving@gmail.com

What do you think? Answer below!

Q&A: Do you have a movie script you’d consider selling to an aspiring (serious) film maker?

Question by Sarah S: Do you have a movie script you’d consider selling to an aspiring (serious) film maker?

Best answer:

Answer by Rob
I have many ideas but I don’t have any friends that are aspiring/serious film makers….if you’re interested in working together I’d be more than happy to…………………robeverliving@gmail.com

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