Q&A: Did anyone else think New Moon; the movie sucked?

Question by Randy: Did anyone else think New Moon; the movie sucked?
I’m a fifteen-year old girl and went with my friend some days ago. This movie was SOOO lulz-worthy. It had some good, funny moments – like the minor characters. Jessica made me laugh here and then and showing Eric (or Tyler, I really don’t care) crying in Juliet and Romeo made me laugh. I felt so bad for Charlie, though, when they show him waking up and trying to comfort Bella but she pushes him away. And his “Ladies Man” joke made me smile.

But jeesus, this movie … SUCKED.

I thought there would be a lot more action, to be honest.They were bits where you were actually interesting, but sometimes it was dull and you just couldn’t care enough to want to stay awake. Part of this was because of the source material, but it was also because it was unnecessarily long. My eyes kept straying to the door.

There was a lot of humor that was supposed to unintentional, I think. There was a lot of stuff that was obviously meant to be serious, or at least not funny, but it ended up being that way – like the frolicking scene in the forest. The whole audience starts CRACKING UP at that part.

And Taylor was so hot. My eyes were practically fixated on his body whenever he showed up. But his lines were so CHEESY. I doubled up in laughter when he said “What a marshmellow!” Like WTF? and “Things are going to get VEEERY ugly in here,” to Alice when she returns.

Kristen Stewart is the worst actress I’ve SEEN – God, she’s so dull. She’s like a robot, and truth be told, R-Pattz isn’t far behind. When she orders him to kiss her with her freakish eyebrow, it looks painful and they start making these sex noises. I had to stifle my laughter.

And the Volterra scene? Do not even get me started. When Robert was taking his shirt off, it was dragged out in slow-motion, making you focus on trivial things like one of his nipples looks bigger than the other.

And the Volturi quite honestly BLEW. Aro seemed like a pedophile by his stare when he couldn’t read Bella’s mind. Marcus sounded like he was high by his freakishly slow voice, so much so that me and my friend laughed every time he spoke.

This was long. What did you think?
I’m aware that this should be in the movies section; but people get so offended there. B/A people are so much more honest.
It WAS a hell of a lot better than Twilight, as you all have mentioned, and Chris Weitz deserves an Oscar for making this story at least good, while the book sucked.

Best answer:

Answer by Haylee
I loved it. i thought it was way better than twilight.

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