Q&A: Can I get sued or in trouble for this? HELLLP!!! Please!?

Question by Johnny: Can I get sued or in trouble for this? HELLLP!!! Please!?
Ok so I’m going to be making a dummy movie and I’m going to get paid for it. I bought the dummy from a company that sells them on their site. Heres a picture of it
http://i.ebayimg.com/24/!BRCu(1gBWk~$ (KGrHgoOKkYEjlLm(TDiBJ775BNZzw~~_35.JPG

I asked the guy if its ok to have it in my film and he said ” as long as you don’t do anything bad with slappy”

I’m planning on having the dummy swear and kill.

the dummy isn’t trade marked is it?

I’m going to be changing the torso because its too small so I’ll only be using the head.


Best answer:

Answer by Just Jimmy
you paid for it. don’t see why you cant use it in a short film or video clip.

Keep in mind i am no attorney so take that with a grain of salt. but i would say go for it.

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