“Plumbing humming”? – since about the first of the year I guess, I have been hearing?

Question by Bostonboyo: “Plumbing humming”? – since about the first of the year I guess, I have been hearing?
some really strange vibrations in my plumbing. I don’t know if it’s just me, like the pressure regulator’s about to blow or something, or if it’s more widespread. I’d ask my neighbors but they’re not the friendly type. As much as anything else, it sounds exactly like a flying saucer from an old ’50’s sci-fi movie,and makes me think of the Art Bell Show and some kind of underground machinery. I’m thinking it’s from construction somewhere, tho it happens at any hour of the day or night….
Cowboydo, you’re right – I need to be a little more specific here….we’re on the city water system and this noise happens when we’re not running any water at all. Some guy on craigslist said it might be that the “air shock absorber in the main water line is full of water instead of air”, but I don’t know….

Best answer:

Answer by cowboydoc
More information needed here please. If you have your own well, check the pipes, especially when the pumps on, turn the sprinklers on for awhile and look at the pipes. You may have a few that are loose next to some joists. Put some electrical hangers on them to tighten them to the joists.
Check where they go into the walls in the basement for loose pipes. Make sure they’re all tight.

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