Please help me quit oxycodone! Needs tips!?

Question by Mr. Ed: Please help me quit oxycodone! Needs tips!?
I’ve decided its time to quit oxycodone all together, or at least reduce the amount I use. I first used pain killers after my mom had knee surgery. I can’t remember exactly what she was prescribed but I know it was some form of hydrocodone. This was when I was in 8th grade by the way. I took her left over pills, there were about 20 and I swallowed one of the pills. I didn’t feel anything, I had tried it because I heard you could get high on painkillers. I decided to try snorting a pill so I crushed it up and snorted half, after half I couldn’t handle any more powder and I still didnt feel any kind of high. After that I just kept the pills hidden in my room for a few weeks, until my parents found them. They went nuts and had me tested but nothing showed up so it turned out to not be a bug deal.

Fast forward to the end of 9th drade, my dad has kneee surgery and gets percoset 5/325. I take his pills and take 3 crushed up. I feel very stimulated, I went to a party and felt very social and had a great time. After this I would only use the pills when i would go to parties, because I was shy and needed to boost. After I ran out I decided that eventually I would try to get more. A few week later my friend told me he could sell me Vicodin and Tylenol 3 so I bough all he had. The next week I got sick and stayed home from school for 4 days. During those 4 days I learned how to do a cold water extraction on the tylenol 3’s so I did that. I took painkillers every day whole I was sick and just layed in bed because it felt so relaxing. After I finished the Tylenol I moved on to the Vicodin, which felt much better. This is when I would say I oficially became “addicted” to pain killers. AT this point I didn’t feel addicted, but I knew hoe good they felt and would buy more when I got an oppertunity to do so.

The next time I got some painkillers was about three months later. My firend had rotator cuff surgery and said he had gotten percoset that he could sell me. He wasnt sure what kind it was so I assumed it was 5/325 adn I offered him $ 5 a pill. He said ok and I bought all 32 of them. When I got home and looked up the pill online, I found it to be 10/325 endocet, so they were twice as strong as I had originally thought. I started off by taking 2 pills, which would be like 4 of the ones I used to take. After that I realized I could handle more and moved on to threee pills for the next few doses. After that I finished the pills with 4 pills a dose until I ran out. As soon s I ran out we went to visit my grandparents, I remembered that he had gotten surgery a while ago and went on a search for leftover pain killers. I found about 30 percoset 5/325’s and took them home. They went fast because I had to take 8 at a time to get my usual 40mg dose. Now I was beginning to feel like I was somewhat addicted after I ran out of pills.

I went for about 8 months without using pills, I just never had an oppertuinty to get some. Then I did the most drastic thing yet. I had an appointment with an oral surgeon who was a friend of my dad. I was sitting in the chair when the surgeon and my dad stepped out of the room to go look at something. I walked around the room, just checking everything out and I found a prescription pad. Not really knowing what I could o with it, I open it and ripped out a bunch of slips. When I got home I though I would try tp learn how to write a scrip so I could prescribe myself pills. This was easy with the inter net and in a few weeka I was ready to write the script. I wrote it for Roxicodone 15mg tabs because they were as strong as three percoset 5/325’s but didnt have ant tylenol that I woudl have to extract out. I wrote it for 21 pills, made a fake account at the pharmacy, and had it filled. I paid $ 17 bucks for the script, an amazing price considering that If I bought it from a friend like I usually did, it would have cost me $ 15 per pill, and I had gotten 21 pills for $ 17! These pills went slow because I wanted to conserve them, I assumed the pharmacy would verify the script and I woudl never be able to go back there again. I found out that the script was never verified, so I thoug I would do it again, this time stepping it up. I write the new script for Roxicodone 30mg, twice as strong as the first one, and for 32 pills instead of 21. I ended up paying 40 something bucks for the pills, if I had bough the pills on the street it would have cost me $ 960! I sold some pills and used the rest myslelf. After they were done I really was addicted, I felt like I needed more and was having some withdrawal symptoms so I decided to make one last huge move. I went to two other pharmacies and made fake accounts. then I wrote 3 scripts, each for 60 pills of the Roxicodone 30mg kind. I waited till the doctors office was closed so they couldent call to verify the scripts, and went from pharmacy to pharmacy getting them all filled. For a little over $ 150 I got 180 Roxicodone 30mg pills, the strongest instant release pai

Best answer:

Answer by Jules
I suggest you see an addiction specialist counselor. This is not something you should try on your own. You need good support with something like this. Make some phone calls. You are reaching out, continue to do so.

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