Please help me, I don’t know what to do anymore..?

Question by Elena: Please help me, I don’t know what to do anymore..?
Ok so.. here it goes again: There’s this boy..

We started out not really knowing eachother but having mutual friends, then we were both at the same party and we talked for like 10 minutes looking at eachother in the eyes. But the thing is, I liked this other guy (but i’m TOTALLY over that) so I didn’t really care to much. But anyways after that party he would come and poke me in the halls and ask me my name and then i started to like him. Lucky enough at another party we hung out like the whole time *majory* flirting, and we exchanged numbers. After the party we texted and he wound up calling me to ask who I liked and stuff. I thought I was dreaming :). Anyways we continued to text for around two more weeks. He’d ask me to meet him when we’d know we’d both be going to a game, and he’d say he loved my hair and i’d be stupid to dye it, and asked me to come to his games and stuff! Then it all went wrong… he stopped replying to my texts and I just gave up. I found out he liked another girl. But then like two weeks later he stopped liking her and all the time in like the hallways, and the lunchroom and study hall would talk about our inside jokes with me and flirt and compliment me and stuff. Then one day we spent a hole period together and he kept trying to figure out who I liked and kept asking why I was changing the subject (Oh, I wonder why 😉 and he even pestered my friend to find out (she never told him) but then the whole ignoring cycle came again. But recently he has been talking to me a lot and inviting me to places with our friends and making me laugh. And he’s saying he’s got a girl, and when I say something he’s like “Oh, well I don’t like her she just likes me” and whenever I metion “we”, like “We’re at the movies” he goes “Who is we???” so I really want him to like me! Some of my friends think he might 🙂 Any tips and tricks to make sure that he doesn’t ignore me anymore? He’s so confusing! Thanks babes 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Lion Lady
He is a player- shine him on! if you don’t want him to ignore you- then ignore him! the more you treat him like crap the more he will come back- guys like the chase- but sometimes not the catch and they will throw it back-

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