Pikachu’s Moves – History Behind Super Smash Bros. Brawl

PLEASE READ THIS VIDEO DESCRIPTION! This video shows where I believe some of Pikachu’s moves come from or my ideas behind what possibly influenced some of his moves. By the way, I don’t mean for my videos to come out this long. My goal is not to intentionally make videos as long as some television shows. So, at this point, I think it’s a good time to re-establish the focus of my project. All I do is present what I know and what I have found out through looking deeper at some aspects of the original sources of Brawl. I am not claiming that everything in my videos is 100% accurate or 100% complete. However, I do my best to cover everything I know or have found out as best as I can in a concise manner. With that being said, researching some aspects of Volt Tackle led me into an unusual chain of possible references. While I can’t say with 100% certainty what is referencing what, all I can really do is present the evidence I found for the references, even if no particular conclusion can be drawn. Furthermore, a few of Pikachu’s moves were inconclusive as to what the *actual* sources (or inspirations) were, when looking at the Pokémon series. (Chances are, a few aspects about Pikachu’s moves were simply made up for the Smash Bros. series.) So, try to keep this things in mind when watching this video. Hope you enjoy it! ———- On a related note, I feel like my video on Pikachu’s moves in Melee was kinda… fail. I’m actually considering deleting it. I may or may not. I’ll
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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