pc soundproofing help?

Question by Keiko: pc soundproofing help?
Hi, I’ve just rebuild my lovely computer into my new fractal design r2 case, in hopes of improving cooling and making it a little quieter, problem is, is that is noticeably louder then before.

I expect I’ve done a crappy job of fitting the fans, was just wondering if anyone can reccomend any other tips and tricks. I’m not after a sitlent PC, but i don’t want the noise to over take the noise of games or movies.

Thanks for the help, my case has 6 out of 7 fans atm.

I’m going to buy an anti vibration mat designed for speakers to sit my case on and ensure all screws are fitted with washers.

Best answer:

Answer by GZ
Lucky, I wanted that case. 🙁 I couldn’t find it available in the US though.

Anyways, if it’s louder, then remove some of the fans. Chances are that you don’t need to use up all of the fan spaces anyways. I only have 3 in mine currently, and it is capable of up to 9, I believe (Cooler Master HAF 932), and my system runs just fine. If your system starts getting too hot, then make sure that the fans aren’t hitting any of the sides while they’re running. If it’s just because all the fans are running too fast, you can get a fan controller and simply lower the settings. Or you can get the SpeedFan program, which lets you change your CPU and chasis fan speeds.

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