Oscar Campaign for 2011 Best Picture Heats Up

Oscar Campaign for 2011 Best Picture Heats Up
“The Social Network,” favored by some as the movie to beat for best picture in 2011, opened weaker than expected, shifting the playing field.
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Hollywood and the Power of Myth: Zuckerberg, Jobs and Hearst
When asked about The Social Network in advance of the film’s release, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told ABC’s Diane Sawyer, “People get remembered for what they build. People don’t care about what someone says about you in a movie.” While Zuckerberg may wish this were true, the history of the Hollywood biopic often tells a different story. Kendall Whitehouse, director of new media at Wharton …
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So, How Will Brett Favre Do Monday Night? [Video]
# jamboroo Drew Magary’s Thursday Afternoon NFL Dick Joke Jamboroo runs every Thursday during the NFL season. Find more of his stuff at his Twitter feed. More »
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