Operation Saturation: On the Threshold (Pt 3 of 4)

An update on how the viral idea started by “The Most Terrifying Video You’ll Ever See” and beefed up in the “How It All Ends” video project is progressing. “Operation Saturation” contains some really BAD news, and some really GOOD news. Which do you want first? Well, here’s what you’re going to get, in four parts: Part 1: “THINGS LOOK REALLY LOUSY.” Some SERIOUS doom and gloom. Yucky, yucky, yucky–but it’s not in your interest to look away. Part 2: “CAN WE FIX IT? YES! WE! CAN!” The GOOD news–it looks like we’ve accomplished a “proof of concept” that we CAN change the world by spreading this idea of looking at the risk instead of the certainty! Awesome! Part 3: “HERE’S HOW” Your mission, with detailed instructions. THIS is how you save the world (or–more pertinently–our collective hide)! Part 4: “GET ‘ER DONE!” Even more strategies, most quite easy, most with great potential to multiply awareness. BIG THANKS TO THE FOLKS AT THE MANPOLLO.ORG FORUMS for help in refining the message! Links to things mentioned in “Operation Saturation:” Letter from Shell CEO www.shell.com Reports securityandclimate.cna.org www.csis.org Websites (none are mine): www.manpollo.org (discussion forums, projects, downloads of the vids and scripts, easy viewing of the vids) www.wonderingmind42.com (downloads of the scripts, easy viewing of the vids) www.SaveOurHides.com (easy viewing of the vids, sign up for email list) www.HowItAllEnds.org (easy viewing of the vids) Facebook group and app: www
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Now on DVD at www.festivalmedia.org The Cup (Phorpa) The celebrated breakthrough film by Tibetan Buddhist lama Khyentse Norbu Prayer. Meditation. Rituals. Soccer? World Cup soccer fever sweeps into a remote Himalayan monastery and centuries-old traditions are threatened—the young monks will do just about anything to watch the final match, posing a unique challenge to the venerable lamas in charge. An inspiring tale of colliding cultures, midnight escapades and daring secret plots… A true story Filmed on location at Chokling Monastery, India Vibrant 16:9 transfer direct from film to HD master Bhutanese filmmaker Khyentse Norbu is one of the most important incarnate lamas in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition today. Known more widely by his ecclesiastical title, HE Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, he was recognized at the age of seven as the incarnation of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (1820–1892), a great religious reformer and saint who played a pivotal role in the revitalization and preservation of Buddhism in Tibet in the 19th century. As the living heir to the Khyentse lineage, Khyentse Norbu exemplifies a non-sectarian spirit. His rigorous training in the Buddhist classical tradition, mixed with a deep interest in the film medium, makes him one of the most provocative interpreters of Tibetan Buddhism today. In keeping with his lineage, he has sought to bridge both old and new, and east and west. Authenticity in The Cup was paramount for Khyentse Norbu, and he chose

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