Obtaining Home Staging Client Testimonials


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the results you got from staging one of your own homes in the past. You don’t have to say it was your own home, just tell the story. You’re not making anything up; we’re all our own first clients when we’re getting started.

And what about the real estate agent you used when you sold your own home? If you staged it well and they sold it faster or for more money than similar homes at the time, they will give you a testimonial if you ask. But you need to know how to ask, and how to arrange it so that they get around to it rather than putting it off and putting you in the uncomfortable position of having to continually remind them.

In the Staging Diva Ultimate Portfolio Guide you learn four different scripts to use when you’re trying to get testimonials and success stories from your clients (home sellers and real estate agents) and what makes a strong testimonial;

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