Need to learn what i need to do “professional” music composition?

Question by grimace8769: Need to learn what i need to do “professional” music composition?
Ever since i was younger i wanted to do music composition, preferably for video games, but movies, film, and tv would be fine too.

I have been taught piano for 10 years starting when i was 6, and there was a heavy emphasis on theory when i took lessons. I quit lessons at one point, but have continued to perform, and teach myself more. I also play drums, and a couple of other instruments.

But thats all a little background on me. Like i said, i really love to create music, and it’s truly my dream to make a career of it. I know i have the potential to do it, but there is one problem. I don’t understand how to do it, specifically speaking with mastering tracks and working on a computer.

I have wrote LOTS of songs, but i have solely used notation based programs like Sibelius and Finale. Some people seem to say that Sibelius and Finale are fine music composition tools, but from my extended experience with them, notating compositions is too time consuming, and the sound quality is far from professional.

That being said, i know there’s a lot more to it… but i just don’t know anything about it… All that stuff about mixers, samplers, recording in, mastering. All terms that i’ve read are important to professional music composition, but i dont even know what they really are, much less how to do it.

The question is this. What software and equipment do i need to learn to have a chance at making professional compositions. Like i said, i use sibelius, but its pretty time consuming, and sound quality isnt the best.

Also, im looking to buy a laptop (preferably a dell) to use for my goals, so if anyone can help me with that too, i would appreciate it. I was thinking to buy one of the studio XPS’s

all help is appreciated, just please give me the rundown on the equipment and software professional composers use these days!


Best answer:

Answer by Mye Thyme
Please don’t discard this as a flippant answer. The “For Dummies” book series are great resources and there is one called “Music Composition for Dummies.” I haven’t used it, but I have purchased and read many of the “For Dummies” books on web design, html, and other things I wanted to learn more about. They are written by different authors who are experts in their respective fields. They break down each subject matter in a way that EVERYONE can understand and follow, thus the term “for dummies.” But don’t let the name deter you from purchasing the book.

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