Need someone to make an intro movie?

Question by Orcywoo: Need someone to make an intro movie?
Im currently in the process of making a game (sorry too early for much info)
but i need an intro movie/animation to go with it.

The game i am making is a side-view zombie shooter where your military helicopter has crash-landed on the way to iraq in the woods of holland, you are the only survivor of the crash and must duke it out to survive against the horrors lurking in the woods.

I would like the animation/movie to show the helicopter flying across the top of the woods and the words “somewhere in holland 0200 hours 2012” before a fatal error leads to it crash landing into the woods, the camera should then pan down to the crash and show a single u.s army looking guy crawling out from the wreckage, stand up and look around him. When he looks around him he can see lots of human outlines in the darkness so he reaches for the pistol in the holster on his leg and the screen fades to black and then the word “Survive” fades onto the screen with a bloody font.

Anyone that can help me with this will be put into the main credits of the game and possibly even paid if I manage to sell it successfully as i intend to.

Many thanks.
Yes I know screenshots would help but as I said the game is in early development and we are still getting the graphics made.

Best answer:

Answer by Doge
youre more likely to get help if you post some example/screens of the game.

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